WHY do you have dry eyes? There are many factors that contribute, however the most common is meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). MGD occurs when the oil glands within our eyelids become inflamed and/or clogged and are no longer releasing oil onto the front of our eyes. This is especially common for those with dry eye syndrome who work on a computer for hours a day.
The most common symptoms are dry, burning, gritty, or even watery eyes. Another common symptom is purposeful and frequent blinking to clear up vision.
Lubricating drops help but they are a band-aid that doesn’t address the root issue that is MGD. We now have a way to effectively treat the oil glands and therefore improve or eliminate YOUR dry eye symptoms. It’s called IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)!
IPL has been used safely in the dermatology industry for several decades. It’s widespread use ranges from decreasing skin pigmentation to rosacea treatment. Using IPL to treat the skin around the eyes eliminates the inflammation within and around the oil glands of the eyes, while also heating the oil. This results in a smoother more liquid oil which is more readily released onto the front of the eye. It’s a one-two punch to MGD! And bonus it evens out the skin tone.